Join hosts Eric Shupps, Paul McCollum, and Jason Himmelstein, along with special guest Julie Turner (Microsoft MVP), for an engaging discussion on...
Community CloudCast
Join hosts Eric Shupps, Paul McCollum, and Jason Himmelstein, along with special guest Julie Turner (Microsoft MVP), for an engaging discussion on...
Join hosts Eric Shupps and Paul McCollum, along with special guest Christina Wheeler of Microsoft, as they discuss the evolution of business...
Join host Eric Shupps along with Special Guest Laura Rogers (Microsoft MVP) as they discuss the low code/no code journey from SharePoint to Microsoft...
Join us along with special guest Liz Sundet of Microsoft as we discuss the challenges of engaging with employees in a world where remote work...
Join us along with special guest John White (MVP) of TyGraph as we discuss the biggest events of 2022 and make our predictions for the coming year...
Join hosts Eric Shupps and Paul McCollum for a lively discussion on the current state of technical certifications in the cloud technology space. What...